How to get to Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine in Kyoto by bicycle & motorcycle

There are several means of transportation when you go to Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine.

This post will explain how to go to Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine by bicycle & motorcycle.

I need to tell you this fact first.

The author of this article is familiar with Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine, but I’m not good at English. I’m writing this article using the Internet translation service.

If you have something you don’t understand, please ask my twitter. It may take time to reply to you, but I’ll reply to you by examining English.

Call me gorilla

My Twitter account is “@goriluckey“.

Bicycle is convenient for Kyoto sightseeing!

There are many rental bicycle shops in Kyoto city. So you can choose the bicycle for traveling in sightseeing.

Many rental bicycle shops are gathered especially around Kyoto station.

Rental bicycle shop’s official website with English version

Here is the official website with English version link of rental bicycle shop in Kyoto. I’ll add this link sequentially.

How to get to the bicycle park in Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine

There is the bicycle parking lot (for bicycle & motorcycle) on the site of Fushimi-Inari Taisha shrine.

Let’s explain the location of the parking lot by photograph.

There is the bicycle parking lot along the Omote-sando street of Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine.

Omote-sando street of Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine

There is the bicycle parking area on the right side of this street.

Omote-sando street of Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine

You get off the bicycle and you walk the edge of the road.

You have to get off the bicycle

There is the entrance of the bicycle parking space between the first big torii and the second big torii.

Entrance of bicycle parking lot

You’ll be able to find the sign of bicycle parking.

The Sign of bicycle parking

The entrance of this bicycle park looks like Japanese architecture.

Front of entrance of bicycle parking lot

As you go through the entrance to the parking lot, you’ll see such a view.

Near the entrance of the bicycle parking lot

Bicycle parking space isn’t very big. A lot of bicycles are parked like this in this way.

The condition of bicycle parking

Spaces per unit are thus separated by white lines.

Space per unit

Motorcycles are also parked like this.

Motorcycles are also parked

Of course this bicycle parking is free!

Bicycle shop around Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine

There is no rental bicycle shop near Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine.

However, there is a bicycle shop near the torii of Omote-sando street. If you need to repair a bicycle you may want to use “Miyata bicycle shop”.

Miyata bicycle shop

Summary of this article

This post will explained how to go to Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine by bicycle & motorcycle.

  • Kyoto city has many rental bicycle shops.
  • Fushimi Inari Taisha shrine has a bicycle parking lot.
  • You can park your bicycle & motorcycle there.
  • This bicycle parking is free.